The admission selective process at EMESP Tom Jobim has the purpose of selecting and classifying candidates for admission on programmes offered by means of:
Deadlines, timetables, locations and other information for the enrolment of candidates, as well as the teaching content of the tests will be communicated annually via notice on official press.
At the direction’s discretion, the selective process at EMESP Tom Jobim may be divided into two phases: theoretical and practical.
Candidate selection is done by means of evaluation of their knowledge in the form of tests and auditions applied by EMESP teachers. Final decisions regarding pass or fail of applicants are up to the board of directors and pedagogic coordination of EMESP Tom Jobim. Approved candidates will have the right to enrol provided that they exhibit proof of compliance with all requirements and deadlines as per official notice.
In order to enrol students must agree upon all conditions, or in case of underage students agreement of their parents or legal guardians.
EMESP Tom Jobim will inform parents or guardians of the terms of the student’s manual.
Enrolment will be done upon student or parents/legal guardian requirement and provided the necessary documentation specific per areas informed on official notice has been presented.
The conclusion of each programme or cycle of the Continuous Education Programmes does not imply the automatic admission of the student in any other programme or offered cycle by EMESP Tom Jobim. All students must pass admission exam for the available openings, offered annually in each programme or cycle at EMESP Tom Jobim.
The number of openings per programme available in the selection process is established at the end of each teaching year, considering that that number may vary according to failing students or even due to students quitting during the year.
For all Continuing or Advanced Education Programmes, admission of students will happen upon theoretical and practical knowledge proficiency test and instrumental technique. This selection process must be accomplished by judging panels composed of EMESP teachers and whenever possible, guest musicians.
For the 4th cycle exams, further to the technical and theoretical knowledge requirements and, instrumental technique, students must exhibit specific knowledge of their area of expertise (Composition, Choir Conducting, Opera Studio, Early Music and Advanced Instrumental practice), which must be tested by selection process area-specific.
As for general free programmes, the annual selection process takes place by means of aptitude testing and musical knowledge of the candidates. Such evaluation is carried out by teachers of the subjects available along with the pedagogic coordination of EMESP Tom Jobim.
Remaining openings of the selection process will be filled according to the classification order of the approved applicants. In case there is the need, the board of directors at EMESP Tom Jobim will open new selection processes until openings are filled.
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